Friday, 1 May 2020

PUZZLE NO. 83 : Odd Even Queen Sudoku

RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. Additionally, exactly two numbers ( one odd and one even ) behave like chess Queens. Two queens of the same parity can not be placed along the row, column or diagonal of any length. The Queens should be determined as part of solving


  1. I took too much time 21:36 in this variant. I played as if I am learning something new. After a long time, I got the odd and even queens.

  2. 13:06.Great control creating this sudoku and a good practice sudoku.
    Rot 13 : V unq guerr pubvprf sbe gur bqq dhrraf nzbat 135.Gbbx n thrff nf 5.Tbg n pbagenqvpgvba naq gura ryvzvangrq 3 nf n dhrra dhvpxyl sebz E8 vagrenpgvba.Guvf fhqbxh fubhyq jbex jryy gb thrffvat jura gurer ner n srj dhrraf yrsg naq cbffvovyvgvrf ner arngyl crapvy znexrq.

  3. Nice Puzzle. I have not timed it. However, I think I took more than 15 minutes to solve this one.

  4. 14:27, this is a great practice Sudoku. I learnt a lot about this variant on solving this. Thanks Akash for the effort!

    1. Thx Aashay for Your feedback. I myself learnt quite a few things while creating this.

  5. Very nice puzzle... logically to get 1 as queen find little late...since I took a break while solving timing not able to say..but definitely 20+


Puzzle No. 467: Thermo Sudoku

  Rules: Place a digit from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column and 3x3 outlined box.  The...