Monday, 18 May 2020

PUZZLE NO. 100 : Multiplication Table Sudoku

   I started the month of April with 48th sudoku on my blog. Today I am posting the 100th sudoku.

RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. The two digit number in the second line of each 2x2 shaded region is the product of the two one-digit numbers in the first line of the shaded region. Numbers may repeat in the shaded regions.
               Special thanks to Rakesh Rai for testing this sudoku.


  1. Very nice puzzle 👌 timing less than 15min.. not noticed perfectly

    1. Thx kumaresan sir. Less than 15 minutes on this is a good timing..

  2. Wonderfully created.Loved solving it

  3. 14:52, took a while to get a hang of it, since it was the first time I was solving this variant. Enjoyed it thoroughly. Congratulations on reaching 100 Akash!

  4. 14:59.Didn't like this much.There was nothing to work upon.This felt too guessy like you have to fit in patterns and pray that it works.I wonder how you created it.Pm me the logic if you can!

  5. Big congrats for the 100.Expect something bigger from you for 200.Keep going and well done !!


Puzzle No. 467: Thermo Sudoku

  Rules: Place a digit from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column and 3x3 outlined box.  The...