Sunday, 31 May 2020

PUZZLE NO. 113 : Liar Sudoku

RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. Every given clue is lying. The correct value is either one more or one less than the given clue. Note : 1 clue can only be 2 and 9 clue can only be 8.


  1. 6:30 - And my timing is also lying. The actual timing is one minute more or one minute less.

    1. Good timing if it's one minute more and excellent timing if it's one minute less

  2. I think this is the first time i am trying this variant. It was fun. My real timing was what you think is a good timing :).

  3. 4:33.Smooth and easy solve.
    Only one feedback.I would prefer the clues to be given in the corner of the cell like in a killer because they interfered a lot with the pencil marking which in turn made writing the fixed digits kind of difficult.

  4. 7:48. I second Kishore. The clues interfered with my solve, making it slower.

    1. I do realise this. Won't face such problems next time


Puzzle No. 467: Thermo Sudoku

  Rules: Place a digit from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column and 3x3 outlined box.  The...