Monday, 31 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 173 : Consecutive Sudoku


RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. Orthogonally adjacent cells containing consecutive numbers are separated by white dots. All possible dots are marked. 

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  1. 8:53, I think I took too much time.

    1. Not at all. It looks easy because of too many givens but it is not very easy. This is a decent time on this

  2. Enjoyed this v much. I had to leave it halfway thru the first time. Restarted after few hours. Took 7.21m.

  3. 6:54.Interesting construction.For the first 2minutes and 11 s, I was thinking it is CP and then sensed something fishy and looked at rules again to understand it is a consecutive infact !

    1. You should not go on appearance. Rules should be read before solving :). Thanks.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you. It could have been more difficult had I removed some clues. But I liked the theme. So I let it be as it was.


Puzzle No. 467: Thermo Sudoku

  Rules: Place a digit from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column and 3x3 outlined box.  The...