Monday, 31 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 173 : Consecutive Sudoku


RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. Orthogonally adjacent cells containing consecutive numbers are separated by white dots. All possible dots are marked. 

Solve Online

Sunday, 30 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 172 : Classic Sudoku


RULES : Place a digit from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column and 3x3 box.

Solve Online



Hello everyone. It gives me great pleasure to share with all of you that my first book "World Of Sudoku - Vol # 1" is ready and will be available soon. It has 24 classic sudokus and 8 different variants having 12 sudokus each , making it a total of 120 sudokus.
The book includes
  • Classic Sudoku
  • Odd Even Sudoku
  • Thermo Sudoku
  • Killer Sudoku
  • Consecutive Pairs Sudoku
  • Arrow Sudoku
  • XV Sudoku
  • Trio Sudoku
  • Liar Sudoku
All sudokus are test solved by Freddy Hand - one of the most exciting talents in the world of puzzles.
Further details regarding the availability of the book will be updated this week. 

Saturday, 29 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 171 : Average Sudoku


RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. If the number in a cell equals the average of its two horizontal neighbours, then the cell is marked with a horizontal line. If the number in a cell equals the average of its two vertical neighbours, then the cell is marked with a vertical line. All possible lines are marked.

Friday, 28 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 170 : Little Killer Sudoku


RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. Additionally, the numbers with arrows outside the grid indicate the sum of the digits appearing in the cells in the corresponding direction. Numbers may repeat in the direction of the arrow.

Solve Online

Thursday, 27 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 169 : Odd Even Sudoku


RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. Cells containing grey circles contain only odd digits. Cells containing grey squares contain only even digits.

Solve Online

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 168 : Palindrome Sudoku


RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. Additionally, digits along the given lines read the same from either direction on the line.

Solve Online

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 167 : Anti Knight Sudoku


RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. Additionally, a digit cannot repeat in a cell which is at a knight's step ( as in chess ) from itself.

Solve Online

Monday, 24 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 166 : Consecutive Pairs Sudoku


RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. If a grey circle is given between two adjacent cells, then the numbers in those cells will be consecutive. Not all grey circles are given, which means adjacent cells without a grey circle may or may not contain consecutive digits.

Friday, 21 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 165 : Arrow Sudoku


RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. Additionally, there are some arrow shapes in the grid.The sum of the digits along the path of each arrow must equal the digit in the circled cell. Digits may repeat along an arrow.

Thursday, 20 August 2020



RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. Additionally, each group of nine shaded cells must also contain the digits 1 to 9.

Solve Online

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 163 : Disjoint Groups Sudoku


RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. Additionally, no digit can appear in the same position in different 3x3 boxes.

Solve Online

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 162 : XV Sudoku


RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. If the sum of digits in orthogonally adjacent cells is 10, then they are separated by an X. If the sum of digits in orthogonally adjacent cells is 5, then they are separated by a V. All possible Xs & Vs are marked.

Monday, 17 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 161 : Palindrome or Creasing Sudoku


RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. Each line in the grid is either a Palindrome or Creasing. ( Palindrome line implies the digits on a line read the same from both the direction . Creasing line implies the digits on the line are strictly increasing from one end. ) It is for the solver to determine which lines are Palindromes and which are Creasing.

Sunday, 16 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 160 : Killer Sudoku

RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. There are some cages in the grid. The number on the top left corner of each cage is equal to the sum of the numbers in that cage. Numbers do not repeat in a cage.


Saturday, 15 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 159 : Clone Sudoku


Wishing all of you a very happy independence day. A Clone Sudoku themed on India's independence.

RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. Additionally, cells having orange circles and cells having green circles are clones. It means that they contain the same digits at the same locations. The clone regions can neither be mirrored nor rotated. I chose this variant because it also signifies that we are all equal irrespective of our gender , caste religion , place of birth etc. 
( Special thanks to Hemant Malani for the beautiful looking image )

Friday, 14 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 158 : Liar Sudoku


RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. Additionally, every given clue is lying. The correct value is either one more or one less than the given clue. 
 Note : A 1 can only have value 2 and a 9 can only have value 8.

Thursday, 13 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 157 : Antiknight - Non Consecutive Sudoku


RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. Additionally, orthogonally adjacent cells cannot contain consecutive digits. Also, a digit cannot repeat in a cell which is at a knight's step ( as in chess ) from itself.

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 156 : Thermo Sudoku


RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. Additionally, there are some thermometer shapes in the grid. The numbers are in increasing order from the bulb to the flat end on each thermometer.

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 155 : Trio Sudoku


RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. Additionally , cells containing grey circles will only contain digits 1, 2 & 3. Cells containing grey squares will only contain digits 4, 5 & 6. Cells containing grey diamonds will only contain digits 7, 8 & 9.

Solve Online

Monday, 10 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 154 : Non Consecutive Sudoku


RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. Additionally, orthogonally adjacent cells cannot contain consecutive digits.

Sunday, 9 August 2020

PUZZLE NO. 153 : Diamond Sudoku


         Hello friends. I am back on my blog after a long break. I had created two diamond sudokus for the monthly test Quinze 2. This one is slightly on the easier side. Do give it a try. Feedbacks are always welcome.

        Also, from now on I will be providing an online solving link for people who like to solve online. Thanks to Swaroop for the amazing interface which makes it possible.


RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. Additionally, all the four sides of the diamond contain the same set of digits. Digits may repeat in this set.

Solve Online 

Puzzle No. 467: Thermo Sudoku

  Rules: Place a digit from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column and 3x3 outlined box.  The...