Sunday, 11 April 2021



Hello all,

                It gives me great pleasure to share with all of you that WORLD OF SUDOKU : VOL # 4 is now available as paperback on amazon and as pdf on payhip. 

                 The book contains 120 classic sudokus ranging from moderate to tough. All the sudokus are test solved by Bakpao. The book also covers various advanced strategies like x wing,  xy wing , swordfish , skyscrapers , unique rectangles etc that are required to crack tough sudokus. I have also provided online solving link with automatic answer check for each sudoku for the people who like to solve online. 

                 The links to the book are given below.

   Link to amazon

   Link to payhip

                  Happy solving !




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Puzzle No. 469: Mean Mini - Arrow Sudoku

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