Tuesday, 28 April 2020

PUZZLE NO. 80 : Consecutive Sudoku

A Consecutive Sudoku with only one given number

RULES : Classic sudoku rules apply. Orthogonally adjacent cells containing consecutive numbers are separated by white dots. All possible dots are marked. 


  1. 21:53. The start was diabolical. But the satisfaction is immense!

    1. Yes Aashay. The start is the main. Once you get the start , it's not very difficult. But getting the start takes a lot of time in this. Thanks for your feedback..

  2. 12:29.Narrow solve.Until the end, I had a feeling I would break because of missing a possible pencil mark and thereby missing a chain of digits.Thankfully solved it correctly.

    1. Very good timing. The start was the key to this


Puzzle No. 467: Thermo Sudoku

  Rules: Place a digit from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column and 3x3 outlined box.  The...