Sunday, 25 February 2024

Puzzle No. 412: Arrow-Kropki Pairs Hybrid Sudoku


Rules: Classic Sudoku rules apply. Additionally, there are some arrow shapes in the grid. The sum of the digits along the path of each arrow must equal the digit in the circled cell. Digits may repeat along an arrow. Additionally, if the absolute difference between two digits in neighboring cells equals 1, then they are separated by a white dot. If the digit in a cell is half or double of the digit in a neighboring cell, then they are separated by a black dot. The dot staying between 1 and 2 can have any of these dots. All possible dots are not marked.

Wednesday, 21 February 2024

Puzzle No. 411: Consecutive Pairs Sudoku


RULES: Classic Sudoku rules apply. If a grey circle is given between two adjacent cells, then the digits in those cells will be consecutive. Not all grey circles are given, which means adjacent cells without a grey circle may or may not contain consecutive digits.

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Sunday, 18 February 2024

Puzzle No. 410: Slow Thermo Sudoku


RULES: Classic Sudoku rules apply. Additionally, there are some thermometer shapes in the grid. Digits along the thermometers never decrease from the bulb to the flat end.

Sunday, 4 February 2024



RULES: Classic Sudoku rules apply. Additionally, there are some thermometer shapes in the grid. The digits are in increasing order from the bulb to the flat end of each thermometer. 

Puzzle No. 467: Thermo Sudoku

  Rules: Place a digit from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column and 3x3 outlined box.  The...